Best time for the Everest Base Camp Trek

Everest Base Camp trek

The Everest Base Camp Trek is one of the most popular trekking destinations in the world. It offers a unique and breathtaking experience to trekkers, who have the chance to explore the stunning beauty of the Himalayan range, including the tallest peak in the world, Mount Everest. However, the trek to Everest Base Camp requires careful planning, especially when it comes to choosing the right time to go. In this article, we will discuss the best time for the Everest Base Camp Trek.

The Everest Base Camp Trek is open for visitors throughout the year, but the best time to go is during the spring and autumn seasons. Let’s take a closer look at each season.

Spring Season (March to May)

The spring season is the most popular time for the Everest Base Camp Trek. The weather is mild, and the temperature is pleasant, making it an ideal time to trek. During the spring season, the skies are clear, and the views are stunning, with beautiful rhododendron forests blooming along the trail. The weather during this season is perfect for trekking, with the average temperature ranging from 15°C to 20°C during the day and dropping to 5°C to -10°C at night.

Another reason why the spring season is the best time for the Everest Base Camp Trek is that it coincides with the climbing season of Mount Everest. During this time, trekkers can see mountaineers from all around the world attempting to climb the highest peak in the world. It’s an amazing experience to witness the mountaineers, and the base camp becomes a bustling hub of activity during the climbing season.

However, the spring season is also the busiest time for the trek, with thousands of trekkers on the trail at any given time. Therefore, it’s essential to book your accommodation and permits in advance to avoid any last-minute hassles.

Autumn Season (September to November)

The autumn season is another excellent time for the Everest Base Camp Trek. The weather during this season is dry and stable, making it perfect for trekking. The days are warm and sunny, with clear skies, and the nights are cool but not too cold, making for a comfortable trek. The temperature during the autumn season ranges from 10°C to 20°C during the day and drops to -5°C to -15°C at night.

Another advantage of the autumn season is that the crowds are relatively smaller than the spring season. The trails are less busy, and you can enjoy the trek at your own pace without worrying about the crowds. The skies are clear during this time, and the mountain views are stunning. Trekkers can see the mountains in their full glory, with clear views of Mount Everest and other peaks.

The autumn season also coincides with some of the important festivals in Nepal, including Dashain and Tihar. These festivals are a great opportunity to experience the local culture and traditions of the Nepalese people.

Winter Season (December to February)

The winter season is the off-season for the Everest Base Camp Trek. The weather during this season is cold, and the trails can be covered in snow and ice, making it difficult to trek. The temperature during the winter season ranges from -10°C to 5°C during the day and drops to -20°C to -30°C at night.

However, the winter season also offers some unique advantages for trekkers. The trails are quiet and peaceful, with only a few trekkers on the trail. The mountain views are breathtaking, with clear views of the snow-covered peaks. Trekkers can also experience the local culture of the Sherpa people during the winter season, as the villages are not as busy with tourists.

However, it’s important to note that trekking during the winter season is challenging, and it’s not recommended for first-time trekkers or those who are not experienced in trekking in extreme weather conditions. The trails can be slippery, and the risk of altitude sickness is higher during the winter season.

Moreover, the winter season is not the best time to trek to Everest Base Camp, as most of the teahouses and lodges along the trail are closed due to the harsh weather conditions. Therefore, trekkers need to carry their own food and camping gear, which adds to the challenge of the trek.

Summer Season (June to August)

The summer season is the monsoon season in Nepal. The weather during this season is wet and humid, with heavy rainfall and high humidity levels. The trails can be muddy and slippery, making it challenging to trek. The temperature during the summer season ranges from 15°C to 25°C during the day and drops to 5°C to 15°C at night.

The summer season is not the best time to trek to Everest Base Camp due to the high risk of landslides and avalanches along the trail. Moreover, the heavy rainfall and cloudy skies can obscure the mountain views, which is a major draw for trekkers. Most of the teahouses and lodges along the trail are also closed during the summer season, making it difficult to find accommodation.


In conclusion, the best time to trek to Everest Base Camp is during the spring and autumn seasons. The weather during these seasons is mild and stable, with clear skies and stunning mountain views. The crowds are also relatively smaller during the autumn season, making it a great time to trek for those who want to avoid the crowds.

While the winter season and the summer season have their unique advantages, they are not the best times to trek to Everest Base Camp. Trekkers should consider their experience level, physical fitness, and weather conditions before embarking on the trek to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

No matter when you decide to trek to Everest Base Camp, it’s essential to prepare well, pack the necessary gear, and follow the guidelines of the local authorities and trekking agencies. With the right preparation and planning, you can have a memorable and life-changing experience trekking to Everest Base Camp.

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