
Reduce Your Risk of HIV With Adult Men Circumcision

As an adult man, you may have become familiar with circumcision and its use to treat medical conditions. Furthermore, you may have heard how it can reduce your risk for HIV transmission.

Circumcision is a surgical procedure that removes the foreskin from beneath the penis. It’s more complex than infant circumcision and usually conducted under local or general anesthesia.


When performing adult men’s circumcision, two primary forms of anesthesia are used: either a local anesthetic or general.

Adult male circumcision typically uses a combination of 0.5 percent bupivacaine (Marcaine) and 1 or 2 percent lidocaine (Xylocaine). It’s important to refrain from eating or drinking anything for six hours prior to the procedure.

It’s essential to follow your doctor’s instructions regarding postoperative care of your penis. Wear light, loose-fitting clothes for at least 10 days following the operation and refrain from having sex for at least 4 weeks.

Circumcision can help to prevent conditions like phimosis, paraphimosis and balanitis. It may also reduce the risk of other sexually transmitted infections; however, it’s still uncertain whether circumcision reduces HIV infection among males or improves genital cancer risk.


Adult male circumcision is an operation to remove the foreskin. The procedure can be performed under local or general anesthesia and at any age.

For the procedure to be successful, it’s essential for the doctor to know why the patient desires circumcision. These may include health reasons, religious beliefs or peer pressure.

During this procedure, your doctor will make a small incision on top of the foreskin to retract it. Afterward, small, absorbable sutures will be used to close the incision.

After the foreskin is retracted, the doctor will trim away any extra skin with scissors.

After circumcising, a dressing will be placed over the circumcised penis. This should be removed after 24 hours and cleaned daily in order to prevent infection and reduce swelling after surgery. Furthermore, patients must abstain from intercourse and masturbation for the first six weeks post-surgery.


Adult men seeking circumcision must make an incision just below the head of their penis, then use either a scalpel or surgical scissors to carefully remove any foreskin that is present.

After applying ointment and bandaging the skin, surgery usually takes less than 10 minutes.

Your doctor may use an IV (intravenous) line to provide you with fluids and medicine during the procedure. Once numb, they can make incisions and trim away excess skin.

Most patients do not experience much discomfort during the procedure, though you can take over-the-counter pain medications to reduce discomfort. Be sure to follow all instructions closely and do not exceed what is prescribed.

Adult men who undergo circumcision clinic may experience a recovery period of 24-48 hours after the procedure. To allow your body to heal properly, it’s best to rest for 24-48 hours and refrain from activities which put strain on the foreskin, such as energetic or contact sports.


baby circumcision cost is a surgical procedure that removes the skin covering the tip of the penis. It may be done for religious or cultural reasons, or to prevent infection.

Some people use it to prevent HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. Though there may be risks involved, these tend to be minimal.

In the UK, complications following circumcisions performed for medical reasons are relatively rare and usually don’t cause much pain or discomfort. Slight swelling or bleeding is common, but this usually goes away within a few weeks.

Circumcision for adult men can have several potential risks, depending on the situation and technique used. These include infection, bleeding and disappointing cosmetic outcomes.

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